Our 10 Favourite Books for ages 3-4

Reading brings my toddler such joy that’s indescribable. Masha Allah. As much as I love reading to her, she enjoys listening and then talking through the questions, fun questioning and also rather toddler intellectual sessions, that follow after.

I am all for the giggles, cuddles and wisdom that sparks in those shiny little eyes , this year we read alot alhamdulillah.

There are tons of books that may well be included in our favourites, as favourites don’t only include the famous ones alone, however narrowing down to only 10 books here is surely a task.

Below is a short compilation based on our repetitive reads. We hope you like these as much as we do.

The Great Goat Chase by Tony Bonning

Aesop Fables

What a Mess by Adria Meserve

A mouse so Small by Angela MCAllister

Goodnight Owl

Carlo and the really nice Librarian by Jessica Spanyol

The very hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

The Bad Tempered Lady bug by Eric Carle

Thomas and Friends look & find

Thomas and Friends series

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